Glacier National Park News

Glacier in the News

2025 February: Private house in Glacier Park can remain, federal judge rules
"A private home on the banks of McDonald Creek can remain, a federal judge ruled Tuesday." (More...)

2021 June: Glacier National Park sees year-to-date record visitation through May
"Glacier National Park hosted 170,277 visitors in May, a nearly 2% increase from the same month in 2019. " (More...)

2021 June: Glacier National Park seeks input on telecommunications plan
"One of the tell-tale signs you’ve crossed into Glacier National Park is that your phone turns into a mostly useless brick of electronics — unless of course you want to use it to take a photo of the stunning mountain vistas." (More...)

2016 November: US cancels energy leases
"U.S. officials are canceling 15 oil and gas leases in an area bordering Glacier National Park that’s considered sacred to the Blackfoot tribes of the U.S. and Canada, Interior Secretary Sally Jewell said Wednesday." (More...)

2016 November: Visitation record smashed
"If you preserve it for future generations, they will come. Glacier National Park’s record-smashing year for visitation has all but officially passed 2.8 million people by now." (More...)

2014, July: West Glacier businesses sold to Glacier Park, Inc From the Missoulan: "Most of the business district of this iconic entrance to Glacier National Park ... has been sold to Glacier Park, Inc...." More...

2014, June: Lake McDonald Lodge celebrates its centennial
Several events at Lake McDonald helped mark the lodges 100th birthday. Great Falls Tribune announcement

2013, 2 October: Ian Tippet speaks about the concessioner change:
Ian Tippet was interviewed by the Hungy Horse News on the recent selection of Xanterra to be the next concessioner of the Glacier Park lodges. Concession contract will ‘pull apart the lodges'


National Park Service: Press Releases

Glacier National Park and Global Warming

Jammer Renovation


Heavens Peak